Updated resume for Career Change

Hi Friends! :sunflower:

I’m at a point where I am wanting to update my resume to be able to apply for design assistant jobs :face_with_peeking_eye:I’ve spent the last 10 yrs in Social Justice nonprofits and my resume is very tailored to that space. I have even been on the hiring end of that space so I’m very familiar of what folks are looking for.

However, I don’t have that sort of insight for interior design. I am 1 semester into a certificate program and by the end of the summer I’ll be able to add CAD and Adobe Suite to my resume hopefully boosting my resume. Any advice or folks willing to take a look :eyes:

Hi Deandra! I’d be happy to help - I’m in marketing at a commercial design firm and resumes are part of my typical scope.

A few tips:
-In my experience, your resume is an extension of your portfolio (good idea to have one of those too, even if you’re creating your own design exercises) so if you have the ability to use Adobe CC to make it sure it feels designed and aligned with your personal brand, that is ideal.

-Because design is such a personal field, it’s great to include some personality. Don’t be afraid of color (if this is a part of your personal brand), you can use graphical icons where appropriate, and include an image of yourself if you’d like. When you’re writing your bio, include what inspires you as a designer, or a peek into your process.

-If you can, include a list of projects that you’ve done design work on, even if they are personal projects, and list them individually. Outline the scope of each project, and I think it’s okay for newbies to also state what you learned during each scope if you can put a positive spin on each one.

-You can still include your nonprofit experience! Just keep it succinct, and if you can, tie in what perspective that gives to your design process now. I am personally impressed when I see someone has made a career change, and appreciate a new point of view.

I hope that’s helpful, feel free to ask me anything!