Design-Related Wins/Goals: Something you accomplished in 2023 and something you're going to do in 2024

Hi community members! I’m sure everyone’s Instagram feeds are flooded with 2023 recaps and New Year’s resolutions. Sometimes I think it can be overwhelming seeing them all over, but I do think there’s something special about pausing to reflect on the good — big or small! — accomplishments that have happened. As designers, small business owners, and go-getters (you name it), it’s easy to forget to celebrate those wins at times. So let’s share some!

My 2023 Design Wins:

  • My husband and I finished renovating the first floor of our cabin. There’s still lots of decorating and finish work to be done, but it’s such a big accomplishment for us!
  • A recent client of mine re-hired me to paint a couple of murals in her space :art::muscle:
  • I was featured in an Architectural Digest article about home ownership alongside many talented designers (including @dianafarberov!!)
  • My home is feeling more homey each and every day. We moved upstate from Brooklyn a year and a half ago, and the space is really starting to feel like us now :heart:

As far as 2024 goals, I’ve set a bunch of smaller, personal things I’ve wanted to tackle. But some design-related goals of mine:

  • Paint more murals! If you are in upstate NY or have a friend here who is looking for more murals, send them my way (ahem: @katewhite come paint with me!!)
  • Re-launch my website and update my portfolio
  • Plan my upstairs bathroom design — that will be my next big reno :hot_face:

Okay, enough from me. I want to hear your wins + goals!


Hello, hello! Thank you for the prompt:) I am new to the community and don’t recall if I made an introduction post yet, but this seems like the perfect exercise for me to jump in!

My 2023 wins:

  • I left my job that gave me nothing but stress this year in June to follow my passion and to open my design business.
  • I score my first design client this summer, a full house project that will take us into the spring!
  • I started redesign my space which has been fun and centering project.
  • A furniture designer reached out to me to collab on a new line

2024 design goals:

  • decorate the NEUE HAUS studio office space. Just finded moodboarding the project and ready to see the rest of it through in the first half of the year.
  • use more wallpaper! I am obsessed with it and there is so many fun and interesting patterns to use from. Excited to get create with using some of my faves.
  • launch my podcast.
  • add my portfolio to my website and continue to grow client-base.
  • become more comfortable in making video content with featuring myself talking

Hi Nicole! Love these wins and goals. Congrats on all the things!! Where can we follow along your design journey? YES to more wallpaper. What’s your podcast going to be about?

@danielaaraya you know I’m game for mural assistance ANY TIME!!

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Yes!!! Obviously.

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Posting in here for accountability!

2023 Wins :sparkler:

  • Got my first paid Client!
  • Redesigned my bedroom
  • Took a summer Interior Design course at SAIC
  • Decided to enroll in an Interior Design Certificate program which I am very much enjoying
  • provided free consult or design support for 6 people
  • Took a woodworking class!

2024 Goals :dizzy:

  • Build my portfolio
  • Transform our office/ gym and office/guest room
  • Photograph my apartment
  • Have 2 new paid client projects
  • Do well in my classes
  • Register as an LLC
  • Shadow a designer for a day
  • rework my resume to be design specific
  • Get an internship???

I LOVE seeing all of this laid out. You got this!!

Hi Daniela!

Thank you! Sorry, it too a minute to get back to you - I had soon after broken rib due to a slippery run-in with my snowblower! It’s a long story.

My podcast will focus on design and more broadly, spaces, through the lens of the past, present, and future. I hope to launch in late-spring, it will (tentatively) called NEUE FORM. In the meantime I am writing on Substack at

And heck ya! :raised_hands:t2: to a fellow wallpaper enthusiast.