Looking to design a long narrow bonus living space. It’s 13’x25’. Looking to incorporate an inherited chess table. Want it to feel playful, colorful, comfortable, grand millennial, mix patterns and color.
Any advice? I feel like it’s not quite there. Thank you in advance!!
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Consider adding a statement hanging light fixture above the brown table instead of the wall sconces I’m assuming at the back and maybe using colorful rugs instead of the white ones!
This is so fun! How about a wallpapered ceiling? You could do a funky print to complement what you have going on in the furniture. Or if wallpaper it too complicated, even a painted ceiling would really make a statement here. A statement hanging light fixture would be so fun like Sona suggested, but if you don’t have a light already installed, maybe adding in more colorful artwork or pattern-heavy fabric? Like the curtains or rug.
I’ve been wanting to play around with space dividers not just to create distinct areas but also to jazz up some wall space that might not have any art hung on there or a mid-height one behind a couch or chair; something like that. I love the color palette you’re working with! You’re totally on the right track!
thanks everyone! Here’s where I am now.
So cute! I feel like all of your visual weight is in the lower half of the room. Are you going to have any ceiling lights? Hung at the right level, that could help. or you could add some art above the pieces you have already and maybe a taller plant on the right.
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I see what you mean! I shimmed the layout to better accurately represent the space. Also playing with orange
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Maybe it’s just me but I think you should stick to the pastels theme in this room… if possible, a white couch and pastel orange/yellow for the art prints?
Ive landed here for now. Stepping away to come back with fresh eyes. Appreciate this community!
Love this live workshopping happening! 
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I came here to say the same thing!! Daniela you’re always on my wavelength haha. I would check out @katepearcevintage for great wallpapered ceiling/pattern inspo. I think a pop of color up there would just immediately tie everything together!
Maybe I’m bold enough for that - will have to convince the hubby!
I think the wallpaper on the ceiling is SO GOOD.