Interior Define reviews

Does anyone have any experience purchasing from Interior Define? And if so, how does it compare to other made-to-order options? I have a client who fell in love with one of their chairs but I have a lot of concerns: (1) seems like reviewers who like more firm seating aren’t a fan of even their top-tier stuffing (2) when I called the rep straight up lied about how their competition works, which is just a big yuck for me in general (3) they have 25-50% restocking fees!!!

@carinamiranda is the expert at Interior Define questions! Tagging her so she can chime in (miss you Carina!!) :heart:


I used to work for Interior Define (I designed the stores) and my sofa is from them. (Also disclaimer, the company was sold since I worked there so things could have changed though from what I’ve heard they do use almost all the same manufacturing facilities so quality shouldn’t have changed much.) I think they make a very high quality product, I’ve seen a lot of it in person and now have had my sofa for almost a year and love it. It’s a little hard to compare it to other made to order products since no one else allows as much customization as they do except much more expensive to the trade only custom options.
1-I’m surprised people don’t think their options are firm enough, I actually think all their fill options lean quite firm. I would highly recommend your client go to a store if they live near one to select which fill they would like.
2- I’m curious what happened when you called the rep, also happy to try to answer whatever you asked the rep about competition. At least when I worked there, they really struggled to label who was even their true competition since their product offering is so different from other brands.
3- Their upholstery product is completely custom so restocking essentially isn’t an option (except on their quick ship items) so to me the fact that they even allow restocking is kinda amazing.

Thanks, she doesn’t have a store near her, unfortunately. Based on reviews they seem to have a Goldilocks problem - either too firm or too soft depending on which model you get and the one she likes leans too soft. Added to that some cat owners say the velvet is terrible. The client is particular about needing firm seating and cat-friendly. I could understand the restocking fees, or even not allowing returns at all if it was a custom size or something, but many furniture brands offer a wide range of fabric and leg options. We were looking at Diormama but didn’t love the fabric options and The Inside, but preferred a more comfy armless look. Diorama has a very generous return policy, The Inside gives you a 30-day window. Interior Define says even if you get it, immediately hate it, and want to return, they’re keeping 50%. Diorama and The Inside are only a couple of the semi-custom options, but just an example. As far as customer service, I know I’m probably harder to please because I have a 20-year history of sales/marketing and I always end up doing customer service at any job I have … one client pays me quite a bit just to answer questions and comments even though they could get someone near minimum wage to do that. I have pretty strict ideas about what makes good customer service. I’m also pretty good at sorting through BS when I research and talk to reps because I do understand their job is to sell their product and I’m a sucker for a good rabbit hole. That said when the rep’s immediate response to genuine questions about reviews and their return policy is to insult their competition and say that none of them allow returns/won’t give you any of your money back, which is just untrue, it really turns me off.

Edited to add: I feel like I’m talking myself more out of it, but I really want to be talked into it because we love the fabric lol

Edited again to add: I wasn’t bragging about my cs skills, just providing context :woman_facepalming:

I purchased an Interior Define sofa for my office back in 2021 before they were acquired.

I got the Winslow Loveseat in their Performance Vintage Velvet with the Standard Down Blend. I love it. I have two cats and this is the sofa they spend the most time on during the day and the Performance Vintage Velvet fabric looks good as new. They are not drawn to use it as a scratching post, and the texture of the fabric hides any scratches that may be there. Would definitely recommend that fabric.

My only complaint was the delivery timeline. It took 8 months to arrive! Ordered June 1, it was delivered the next year in early Jan. Oof. That said, this was in the peek covid manufacturing delay days, so take that with a grain of salt.

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Thank you! more words here for character count

DONT BUY! I purchased a small Tatum sectional in the “performance fabric” and it is terrible! After a month it was pulling and hair sticks to it like a magnet. One of the zippers is already broken and it’s so uncomfortable. After reaching out to the company numerous times I was told to not have other fabrics in contact with the couch including a throw blanket. In their final email I was offered a 20% off coupon so I could purchase a new one!! This company does not stand by their product. Don’t get RIPPED OFF like I