Fav DIY design creators on social media?

Okay so I’ve started following a ton of D-I-Y designers on Youtube and TikTok lately and I’m so obsessed with how creative everyone is. I’d love to follow more people. Who are you fav creators?

Here’s some of my favs lately:

Johnny_thealchemist on TikTok: if I had three wishes, I’d use one of them to steal this creator’s aesthetic. it’s so, so good. think magical wizard lair meets dark feminine cottagecore vibes.

Josh & Matt on IG or TT: Super colorful vibes and really, really creative designs. love the way they use positive/negative space in their designs.

TayBeepBoop on various platforms: Similar-ish vibes to Josh & Matt, but she also shows off some client work.

Annika Hinds on YT: Lots of creative D-I-Ys and really gorgeous colorful style.

my follow button is ready :eyes:

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I love Josh & Matt’s colorful vibes! I’ve been following Taylor’s recent projects too. Excited to check out the others! EOY/new year energy always makes me want to tackle more DIY projects. Here’s who I’ve been loving in the DIY/design space:

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(Following this thread- I’ve been craving some new inspiration! :eyes:)
My obsession lately has been Marco Zamora on both Instagram and TikTok!
He does an amaaazing job of DIY-ing projects to look expensive and custom without breaking the bank. Currently trying to think of a place to incorporate this custom “mural” he did recently!

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OMG. I might just need to try this out. The patience required to achieve this look though :smiling_face_with_tear:

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