Friendship & Community: Getting Started ⚡

Connect with design lovers worldwide who share similar passions, interests, and hobbies as you. Don’t be shy — introduce yourself and say hello!

Topics that fit into this category might include (but are not limited to):

  • Introductions
  • Finding members in your region to meet locally
  • Any community event announcements from Spoak HQ

Here’s an intro template structure to get you started:

  • Tell us about yourself!
  • Where are you based?
  • What three emojis describe you best?
  • What’s something most people don’t know about you?
  • Think about your design style. What words come to mind?

To create a post in this category, click “+ New Topic” in the side nav or within the category itself.

Remember to read through our Community Guidelines before posting, and don’t forget to have fun! :heart_hands: